March Recap and April Goals

April is here... I'm still trying to figure out where March went! It's that time where I take a look at how I am progressing against my 2017 goals and how I did on my March goals.  I'm also setting a few goals for April.

2017 Goals:

  • Run my first marathon - Complete - check out the recap here.

  • Run 1,200 miles this year - making progress.  I am up to 231 miles for 2017.March progress

  • Try out trail running- ran a trail half marathon in March - check out the recap here, and have a 25k trail race lined up in April.

  • Half Marathon PR - sub 2:02:38 - more on this later. 

March Goals

  • Continue to make it to yoga - at least 1x/week - F, only made it twice this month

  • Go streaking... do #plankaday - A-, I only missed 3 times... my secret weapon - a calendar that I hung up in my bathroom to mark off the days!

  • Clean up eating - C, while I made better strides in this area I can still do better.  I had my hand in the candy jar too many times this month (but I did better on my Torchy's Taco obsession).

  • Clean and organize my home office - A, got it done!

Although I did not set any goals for March Running, I would give it a solid B.  I had a total of 63 miles for the month, but so many of them felt "hard".  I ran a half marathon this month and took a week off running to let my body recoup.

April Goals

  • Continue to make it to yoga - at least 1x/week.

  • Arm workout 2x/week.

  • Start walking dogs on evenings I don't run.

  • Clean up eating... no more candy from the office candy jar.

  • Kitchen deep clean.

What goals do you have for 2017?  Do you make monthly goals?

I'm linking up with Cowgirl Runs and Carmy for the Monthly Goals link-up and MCM Mama Runs, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and My no-guilt life for Tuesdays on the Run.


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  1. I've really enjoyed creating goals for each month, I just need make sure that I aggressively stick to them! Nice job on your goals for last month. I failed my planking goal LOL.

  2. As with Janelle, sometimes I forget about my monthly goals . . . off to read your trail half recap (not sure if I read it before) because I'm doing one at the end of the month!

  3. I have found that keeping a blank monthly calendar in my bathroom where I check off what I was to accomplish that day really works for me.

  4. I was forgetting about my monthly goals too, until I hung a monthly calendar in my bathroom so I could easily see them and check off what I was supposed to do.

  5. my kitchen needs a deep clean and I'm not looking forward to it!

  6. Looks like you are doing great with your goals girl!
    You are inspiring me to try the plank a day challenge. I used to be able to hold a minute plank no problem and then I haven't been doing them as much and I tried during a gym class and could barely hold on for 40 seconds :/ I started last week... but got horribly sick. Back on tomorrow though!
    I need to do more arm workouts too.

  7. I started hanging up a calendar in a visible spot to keep track of my planks and other items I want to do daily, it seems to help.

  8. I'm totally procrastinating on this one...
