Brazos Bend 50k Training Week 5 & 6

Chicago Marathon training - week 13

I was absent last week from the weekly wrap due to being under the weather.  I'm going to recap the last 2 weeks of my training cycle for Brazos Bend 50k.  There isn't whole lot to report, this is my Brazos Bend 50k Training Week 5 & 6.

Week 5 I got a 5 mile run in, it was a rough one... but I got it done.  Afterwards, I bent down to pick something up and felt this weird tearing pulling sensation at the back of my heel/ankle area.  Everything has been tight, and to tell the truth I've been awful with stretching and foam rolling.  I decided to take it easy on the runnig and try to get that issue resolved.

In addition to my naggy heel pain, I have had a sick day, had seasonal allergies get the best of me, and had the worst "aunt flo" visit in memory.  I tried staying active, but didn't do all that well.  I had tried to stay up with Rachel's Total Body Challenge but got so far behind, I'm just starting from where the challenge is on Monday and will try again on my own next month.

Brazos Bend 50k Training - Week 5 & 6

Monday - 10 supermen/30 second plank/10 pushups/10 burpees x 5.

Tuesday - 5 miles, 10 burpees.

Brazos Bend 50k Training Week 5 & 6

Wednesday - 10 supermen/30 second plank/10 pushups

Thursday - 20 burpees.

Friday - 10 supermen/30 second plank/10 pushups x 2.

Saturday - Swimming!

Sunday - Rest.

Monday - Rest/sick day

Tuesday - 30 minute dog walk

Brazos Bend 50k Training Week 5 & 6

Wednesday - 30 minute dog walk

Thursday - 30 minute dog walk

Friday - Rest

Saturday - 2 volunteer shifts at San Felipe Shootout

Sunday - Rest


I'm linking up with HoHo Runs and Taking The Long Way Home for the Weekly Wrap.

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  1. So sorry that you weren't feeling well last week but glad that you feel better now! My allergies started acting up earlier this month so I totally relate to what you said about your allergies.

    I hope that your heel pain subsides soon.

  2. I hope you're feeling better this week! Don't forget to take it easy as you get back into it. I thought I did, but my knees told me I didn't take it easy enough. But I eased back up and feel pretty much back to normal now.
